
A Message From The Editor…

     Today, May 1st we pay our respects to those who died in the pursuit to control our own labor fully and freely! We take a moment of silence for those who saw firsthand the horrific rise of the Industrial Revolution that further commodified humanity!

     To the 300,000 workers across America that came together on May 1, 1886 to fight in solidarity for the eight-hour day, we salute you! We shall be the spark that rekindles the people's love affair with anarchism in your honor.

     To remind the World, that the violence that occurred over the next two days in Chicago was not a result of romanticized chaos of anarchism but the realistic and continued violence of capitalist interests and their hired state thugs.

     This is for the eight lives lost at the Haymarket Massacre. This is for Albert Parsons, August Spies, George Engel, Adolph Fischer and Louis Lingg who were convicted for their minds not their crimes and paid the cost of freedom with their lives.

     To our anarchist sisters and brothers, we love you! We stand with you in solidarity from every part of the globe. This is our time, make it count! Set this world on fire and we can create something truly beautiful.Donec eget risus diam.

     Today, May 1st we pay our respects to those who died in the pursuit to control our own labor fully and freely! We take a moment of silence for those who saw firsthand the horrific rise of the Industrial Revolution that further commodified humanity!

     To the 300,000 workers across America that came together on May 1, 1886 to fight in solidarity for the eight-hour day, we salute you! We shall be the spark that rekindles the people's love affair with anarchism in your honor.

     To remind the World, that the violence that occurred over the next two days in Chicago was not a result of romanticized chaos of anarchism but the realistic and continued violence of capitalist interests and their hired state thugs.

     This is for the eight lives lost at the Haymarket Massacre. This is for Albert Parsons, August Spies, George Engel, Adolph Fischer and Louis Lingg who were convicted for their minds not their crimes and paid the cost of freedom with their lives.

     To our anarchist sisters and brothers, we love you! We stand with you in solidarity from every part of the globe. This is our time, make it count! Set this world on fire and we can create something truly beautiful.Donec eget risus diam.